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"You're inside the Animus. It's a projector which renders genetic memories in three dimensions."
―Warren Vidic to Desmond Miles.[src]
AC1 Animus 1

The Animus 1.28.

アニムス(Animus) とはアブスターゴ社が再発見し開発したヴァーチャルリアリティマシーンである。被験体の遺伝記憶を読み取り、3次元的に外部モニターに出力できる。



アニムス 1.0[]

ACTC-Daniel Animus

The Animus' 2000 model.



2000年のアニムスは椅子のような形をしており[3]、動作させるための配線が大量につながれていた。[4] 2000年11月アブスターゴのフィラデルフィアの施設で、戻って来てすぐのダニエル・クロスにこのバージョンのアニムスが使用された。[3]

ACTC-New Animus

The Animus model in 2002.


2002年 アブスターゴはアニムスの量産をはじめた。 巨大アニムスルームをフィラデルフィアの施設[4]と、ローマの施設に作った。[5]フィラデルフィアの巨大アニムスルームはポール・ベラミーを含む大粛清で捕らえたアサシンの記憶を追体験させるために使用された。[4]

WVidic 1

Desmond Miles using the Animus 1.28.

それから10年 アニムスは外観のみのマイナーチェンジにとどまった。2012年 以前のモデルよりはるかに快適なv1.28を製造された。このモデルはローマの施設内でアニムス計画で使用された。[1] その後、アニムスルームでのアニムストレーニングプログラムに使用された。[6]


アニムス 2.0[]

"This baby is twice as awesome as anything you'll find at Abstergo!"
―Rebecca Crane, speaking of her Animus.[src]
RebeccaII Animus

Rebecca introducing Desmond to her Animus.


アニムス2.0は1.0と大きく異なり現実の肉体へ記憶を投影できる。他にもロードシークエンス中の背景が青色から白に変わった。 with the entire region of a memory slowly loading up each time one was accessed.[5]


ACB Desmond Animus in the Van

Desmond in the Animus 2.02 inside the van.



アニムス 3.0[]




"When we switched the Animus control scheme to use standard videogame controls, I guessed that the subject's learning curve would improve; but the increased acclimatization rate we're seeing with these slacker types is astounding."

At first, Abstergo found their test subjects having difficulty adapting to the Animus control scheme, so they changed the controls to match that of gaming consoles, projecting the controls into the users' mind and significantly improving their response rate, allowing for quicker adoption.[9]

Despite the core of the technology merely allowing the user to view genetic memories encoded into their DNA, the Animus also allowed the user a degree of interaction with the environment they were viewing. Although this was limited in the Abstergo model, the level of interaction increased greatly in the Animus 2.0, allowing the user to choose the pace at which they progressed through the memories.[5]


主な記事: シンクロ
AC II Sync v

The Animus 2.0's meter depicting its user's synchronization with an ancestor.

As the user of the Animus was able to interact with the environment in which they were viewing, the concept of synchronization was brought into play. Failure to follow the memories of an ancestor exactly often resulted in a temporary decrease in synchronization with said ancestor, and continuing such actions would lead to complete desynchronization. This in turn forced the user to reload the memory from an earlier point.[1]

The Animus was designed to put up barriers when the user attempted to interact with an environment the ancestor had not entered at that particular moment in their life, and was also capable of ejecting the user in extreme cases of desynchronization.[1][5]


主な記事: 流入現象

Use of any variation of the Animus technology was prone to cause mental instability within its users. Prolonged use caused a condition known as the "Bleeding effect", which blended the real-time and genetic memories of the user, transferring thoughts, skills and experiences from the ancestor to the descendant.[1]

Continued and uninterrupted use of the Animus often resulted in mental degradation of the subject, and in extreme cases, total psychological instability.[1][5]


  • "Animus" is a Latin term referring to "the mind" in a variety of senses; ranging from the intellect, the will, or the soul.
  • In Assassin's Creed, the Animus acted only as a machine and plot element, allowing Desmond to play through Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's memories the same way the player controls Desmond himself. In Assassin's Creed II, its use was expanded. The Animus became an interface to a new world, including information about the historical locations, people, and time periods. It was developed as a modular tool, allowing the game's developers to explore any aspect, be it additional memories, multiplayer or other content.[10]
Jonathan Hawk Animus

Jonathan Hawk inside the Animus.

  • A different design of the Animus was used by Jonathan Hawk in the third issue of the French comic series. Because the modern day storyline of this comic series heavily contradicts that of the main canon it is not known if this Animus exists in the main canon.
  • In the Animus 1.28, sprinting long enough during the interactive loading sequence would rid the Animus of the random pieces of data flickering around, showing only a blue, foggy expanse. Additionally, Altaïr could hit an invisible barrier.
  • While replaying memory blocks in Assassin's Creed, an unusual red-beige tinted abnormality showed itself for one frame as the memory was initiated. This was the inside of Desmond's face, as the camera for the initiation sequence was shown in 3 ways: starting back and moving forward, starting front and moving backwards, and upside-down. When the camera moved slightly backwards, it glitched into Desmond's face. His eyebrows, nose, and lips were easily seen if the screen was frozen.
  • Once Ezio's story was completed in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the option to leave the Animus was removed from its main menu due to Desmond's comatose state.
  • The Animus 1.28 made an appearance in every main game so far; used by Desmond in Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II, and by Abstergo employees in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed: Revelations.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Assassin's Creed
  2. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Clusters
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Issue #3
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Assassin's Creed: The Chain
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Assassin's Creed II
  6. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  7. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  8. 8.0 8.1 GameInformer April 2012 issue: Assassin's Creed III
  9. Assassin's Creed Game Manual
  10. IGTV: Behind The Scenes - Assassin's Creed 2

テンプレート:ACTF テンプレート:ACTC

